Licorice Formula has a powerful tonic and rebuilding effect on the adrenal glands. Although it is useful by itself, it’s also useful to additionally supplement with Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex (especially B5, and B15). Hypoadrenia can also be linked to a sluggish thyroid, so it may also be necessary to take products to support the thyroid. Equally a sluggish thyroid may be linked to sluggish adrenals – it works in both directions, and is frequently something of a vicious circle, further aggravated where candida overgrowth is also present. Like all botanical and natural remedies, it works slowly and several months are required to see a substantial result in most cases.
How To Use:
One to three capsules twice daily with food
Licorice, Suma ('Brazillian' ginseng), Maca, Sarsparilla, Siberian Ginseng, Damiana