


  • Maintaining healthy adrenals glands


Licorice Formula has a powerful tonic and rebuilding effect on the adrenal glands. Although it is useful by itself, it’s also useful to additionally supplement with Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex (especially B5, and B15). Hypoadrenia can also be linked to a sluggish thyroid, so it may also be necessary to take products to support the thyroid. Equally a sluggish thyroid may be linked to sluggish adrenals – it works in both directions, and is frequently something of a vicious circle, further aggravated where candida overgrowth is also present. Like all botanical and natural remedies, it works slowly and several months are required to see a substantial result in most cases.

How To Use:

One to three capsules twice daily with food


Licorice, Suma ('Brazillian' ginseng), Maca, Sarsparilla, Siberian Ginseng, Damiana


    * Disclaimer 
    This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease"..... If in doubt we always recommend you consult your wellness or health care practitioner before adding any diet changes or supplements to your daily wellness routine and practise.