There is so much information and misinformation out there that it can be reallydaunting for parents who are trying to raise their children on either a strict vegandiet or simply a more predominantly plant-based diet. This program is tailoredtowards the nutritional needs of growing children. Through this program I provideguidance to parents so that they can feel confident in their decisions whilst
ensuring their children are getting the proper nutrition they need. It includes a listof daily staples, important foods on a plant-based diet, superfoods for children,recommended supplements, immune support, help with picky eaters and a list ofrecipes. We also look at ways to talk about veganism, ethics and sustainability withchildren. It includes:- A questionnaire sent via email- 2 clinic sessions (1x90min and 1x60min follow up)- Bespoke program (in print format*).- Recipes- Handouts.*Hard copy also available on request.